
Showing posts from 2019

Feels long since I actually write on blog again

Was messing around and found good old blogger, I had totally forgotten I even have an account with it. It's good to be back, I hope this time for much longer than previously. I started blogging in my secondary school days, that is like about 10 years ago. feels nice to be back and actually alive to boot. People in the generation I schooled with mostly start earlier with regards to getting in touch daily with technology, for me I was delayed in a sense due to my family being slow on the technology uptake. Back to what I was saying I was on and off on the net due to another reason being, restrains and constraints of time, my family when they first got a personal computer, it was shared among the 3 children which include me and the internet was turned off at night. So I couldn't use the computer often, but somehow I still manage to get a blog started on blogger and watch anime, namely Vampire Knight with the time I had, it was all I had but also some part being not so pleasant